Mike Berners Lee - on conversation for Carer Support South Lakes

PUTTING THE WORLD TO RIGHTS! with Mike Berners-Lee & Caz Graham

Book your tickets via TryBooking

Thursday 23rd June 7.15pm – 9pm
Box Theatre, Kendal
Tickets £10.00

Join international climate commentator and best-selling author Mike Berners-Lee and BBC Radio 4 journalist Caz Graham for an evening of lively conversation, Q and A and debate – book signing.

New reflections and big picture thinking on climate carbon community, food and environment with diversions via Ukraine, Westminster

Tickets are £10 with refreshments available via donation minimum £5pp – Local Bread from Lovingly Artisan, Cheese from Mrs Kirkham’s Lancashire Cheese. Wine donated by Peter Gott

Box Theatre, Beezon Road, Kendal LA9 6EL 

Please book your tickets via Try Booking https://www.trybooking.co.uk/BPYP