The McGee bro’s Cumbrian Way 100k ultra marathon

100k in a day for Carers Support South Lakes because we feel carers are the unheard key workers.
In just under 6 weeks we (Billy and Eugene McGee), will be attempting our first ultra marathon. As amateur runners at best, this is a huge ask but for a cause we feel is underrepresented in mainstream media and society itself; stay at home carers. An invisible work force caring for loved ones at home, unpaid, unheard and often sacrificing their own quality of life.
Carer Support South Lakes is a charity that supports full-time unpaid Carers of all ages from 5 to 95. These individuals go largely unnoticed, tending to slip under the radar because their role keeps them at home, out of sight and therefore, out of mind. There are 12,000 unpaid Carers across the county at home looking after a loved one who cannot look after themselves, 24 hours a day, seven days a week. In addition to this it is reported that up to 40% of young carers do not disclose their situation. Many suffer physical and mental ill-health, financial difficulties, loss of freedom, isolation from friends and family and time out of education as a direct result of their caring role. CSSL supports them as they try to navigate the uncertain road before them.
Our run will combine trail running and power hiking to navigate the southern 100k of the Cumbrian Way, reaching altitudes of 1880ft, traversing fells and meandering through the valleys of the Lake District. We will be attempting to complete the mission true to the cut off time of the traditional Cumbrian Way ultra of 27hrs.
Your donation to The Cumbrian Way 100k ultra marathon will help Carer Support South Lakes to continue to offer their regular support services, including Counselling, Sitting Service, Dementia Support Groups and Young Carer activities.
Thank you for helping to make Caring more visible and enhancing the lives of unpaid Carers throughout the South Lakes.
We hugely appreciate any donations and assure you we will be pushing 100% of the way!