FMB Charity Bingo

FMB Charity Bingo

FMB Charity Bingo night to raise money for Carer Support South Lakes, an incredible local charity who provide invaluable support to carers

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PUTTING THE WORLD TO RIGHTS! With Mike Berners-Lee & Caz Graham

Mike Berners Lee - on conversation for Carer Support South Lakes
Mike Berners Lee - on conversation for Carer Support South Lakes

PUTTING THE WORLD TO RIGHTS! with Mike Berners-Lee & Caz Graham

Book your tickets via TryBooking

Thursday 23rd June 7.15pm – 9pm
Box Theatre, Kendal
Tickets £10.00

Join international climate commentator and best-selling author Mike Berners-Lee and BBC Radio 4 journalist Caz Graham for an evening of lively conversation, Q and A and debate – book signing.

New reflections and big picture thinking on climate carbon community, food and environment with diversions via Ukraine, Westminster

Tickets are £10 with refreshments available via donation minimum £5pp – Local Bread from Lovingly Artisan, Cheese from Mrs Kirkham’s Lancashire Cheese. Wine donated by Peter Gott

Box Theatre, Beezon Road, Kendal LA9 6EL 

Please book your tickets via Try Booking

Charity Prize Bingo Night

Charity Prize Bingo

Charity Prize Bingo Night

Friday 17th June, 6pm
Netherfield Cricket Club

Join us for Prize Bingo with a bonus game, excellent prizes and raffle, raising money for Carer Support South Lakes.

To be held at Netherfield Cricket Club, who have very kindly agreed to run the bingo for us.

Doors open – 6.00pm
Eyes Down – 7.00pm

18 years and over. The bar will be open.

No need to book, please turn up. We look forward to seeing you there.

Keswick to Kendal Charity Walk

Keswick to Kendal Charity Walk
Keswick to Kendal Charity Walk

Keswick to Kendal Charity Walk

Give a donation via Just Giving

My name is Stuart Graves and this is the second Keswick to Kendal walk I have organised to raise awareness around unpaid Carers, and male Carers in particular.

The past 2 years have proved to all of us the importance of having a network of contacts in our daily lives and that is just on our personal and social networks. So, imagine as a Carer being presented with total lockdowns with no opportunity to meet face to face. That’s what faced the Male Carer’s Support Group, as it did others. Having become used to meeting face to face on a regular basis, to have that severely limited was at best an obstacle and at worst isolation for our members.

It has been a real battle for so many unpaid Carers, struggling to look after their Cared For on their own for months on end with no opportunity for respite. The men and woman who will join me in this K2K will be walking to acknowledge that struggle and to help make others more aware.

Carer Support South Lakes (CSSL) supports over 1,200 unpaid Carers of all ages- men and women, boys and girls who look after a loved one, often fulltime, without payment. Their role is vital to the health and wellbeing of their Cared For but more often than not, it goes completely unseen.

CSSL supports my role as a full-time unpaid male Carer. I have been fortunate in being able to volunteer for the charity and lead their Mens Support Group.

The date for this event is the 11th June 2022. It is on the Saturday just after National Carers Week. The timing is apt as I am both a Volunteer with CSSL and registered with them as an unpaid Carer.

This year we are planning a relay, as some of our Carers need to carry out their caring role so cannot commit to the whole day. I will be walking the full length.

I would encourage any male Carer to get in touch via Carer-Connect to become part of the men’s group. We men put on a mask to hide how we are really feeling. We in the men’s group fully understand that especially as Carers to our loved ones. The first step is the hardest and it really is a small step get in touch with Carer Support South Lakes.

Any donation you make towards our efforts will also be very gratefully received thank you!

Please donate via Just Giving

Fit-a-thon at Pulse

Castle Green Hotel fit-a-thon at Pulse

Fit-a-thon at Pulse

Castle Green Hotel fit-a-thon at Pulse

Join us for an afternoon of your fitness favourites, zumba, piloxing and pilates, at the Castle Green Hotel Fit-a-Thon fundraising event for Carer Support South Lakes.

Carer Support South Lakes are a wonderful charity, right here in the Kendal community, who provide vital support for carers – many of which are school age looking after parents or siblings. This year they are celebrating their 30 years with 30 events – our Fit-a-Thon being one of them.

£10 registration fee applies and a sponsorship form will be given to raise even more funds for the charity. Price includes fun fitness class from the Pulse Leisure Club instructors and refreshments. Wear red, yellow, blue or green on the day to show your support.

Call Laura at the Castle Green Hotel events team on 01539 734000.

Robert Powneys’ Virtual Channel Swim

Robert Powney in the swimming pool ready for his Virtual Channel Swim
Robert Powney in the swimming pool ready for his Virtual Channel Swim

Robert Powneys’ Virtual Channel Swim

Give a donation via Just Giving

You can still donate to Robert Powneys’ Vitual Channel Swim. So far he has raised £1,117.00 and overcome injury to complete his epic challenge.

Robert Powney, from Windermere, has completed his virtual “Swim the Channel” despite an injury that left him on crutches. It has taken him 30 days to complete a total distance of 22 miles at his local pool – which is the equivalent of swimming the English Channel.

Robert swam around 900 metres a day despite injuring his knee shortly after starting the attempt. The injury left him having to use crutches to get in and out of the pool.

“I’m really pleased to have completed the 22-mile swim,” says Robert. “I had a couple of setbacks, but I was determined to carry on.

“On what should have been day three of the swim I tore ligaments in my knee and leg while out walking which delayed me and added to the challenge!

“Every time I got in the pool – the first ten minutes seem to take a lot of effort. But after that, I got into a rhythm, and it got easier.”

Although he’s completed the 22-mile challenge he says he is going to continue swimming as he’s enjoyed it so much – so he’s begun a virtual swim back towards Dover!

“I would like to say a big thank you to all those who have made donations. It has made the challenge so worthwhile.”

Robert, who is a carer himself and looks after his wife Gwen, has now raised around £1,117.00 .

He was inspired to take on the challenge after seeing the support work done for young Carers by the Kendal based charity.

“We were in Dorset and I heard a child in a group say they were on the best holiday they had ever been on,” says Robert.

“It transpired that they were young Carers who were on a respite holiday to give them a break from their caring roles. I decided then that I wanted to do something for the charity to help young carers.

“It broke my heart to see children as young as five were caring for their families. I hope the funds I’ve raised will give young Carers the chance to be children again or to spend some quality time with their loved ones without having to act as carers.”

Robert has a Just Giving web page where people can still make donation: